Source code for dscan.server

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8

server side responsible for the managing clients and scan execution flow.
import hashlib
import hmac
import ssl
import os
import socket
import struct
import threading
from socketserver import TCPServer
from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn
from socketserver import BaseRequestHandler

from dscan.models.scanner import Context
from dscan.models.structures import Auth, Status
from dscan.models.structures import Command
from dscan.models.structures import Structure
from dscan import log

[docs]class DScanServer(ThreadingMixIn, TCPServer): """ Foundation of the Server. Implements the shutdown with `threading.Event`, and ssl configurations. and injects `threading.Event` to the `RequestHandlerClass` """ allow_reuse_address = True daemon_threads = True def __init__(self, *args, options, **kwargs): self._terminate = threading.Event() self.options = options self.ctx = Context.create(options) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def secret_key(self): """ :return: str secret key generated in the config based on the certificate """ return self.options.secret_key
[docs] def get_request(self) -> tuple: """ Used to add ssl support. :return: returns a `ssl.wrap_socket` :rtype: ´ssl.wrap_socket´ """ # noinspection PyTupleAssignmentBalance client, addr = super().get_request() # TODO: protocol version is hardcoded! client_ssl = ssl.wrap_socket(client, keyfile=self.options.sslkey, certfile=self.options.sslcert, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2, ca_certs=None, server_side=True, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=self.options.ciphers) return client_ssl, addr
[docs] def finish_request(self, request, client_address) -> BaseRequestHandler: """ Finish one request by instantiating RequestHandlerClass. :return: `RequestHandlerClass` :rtype: ´RequestHandlerClass´ """ return self.RequestHandlerClass(request, client_address, self, terminate_event=self._terminate, context=self.ctx)
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ An override to allow a local terminate event to be set! """ self._terminate.set() super().shutdown() self.server_close() if not self.ctx.is_finished: self.options.save_context(self.ctx)
[docs]class AgentHandler(BaseRequestHandler): HEADER = "<B" """ Created when an agent connects, holds all the agents available actions. Terminates when scan targets finishes or an agent disconnects. """ def __init__(self, *args, terminate_event, context, **kwargs): self._terminate = terminate_event self.ctx = context self.msg = None self.authenticated = False self.connected = False super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def agent(self): """ string representation of a connection ip:port. :return: str format of agent name ip:port """ return "{}:{}".format(*self.client_address) @property def is_connected(self): """ Check if the client is still connected, the terminate event has not been set and all stages are finished or not. :return: True if the client has disconnected or the terminate event has been triggered, else False :rtype: `bool` """ return self.connected and not self._terminate.is_set() \ and not self.ctx.is_finished
[docs] def dispatcher(self): """ Command dispatcher all logic to decode and dispatch the call. """ self.msg = Structure.create(self.request) if not self.msg: self.connected = False"Disconnected!") # mark any running task as interrupted # so that other agent can take it later self.ctx.interrupted(self.agent) return command_name = f"do_{}" if not hasattr(self, command_name): self.send_status(Status.FAILED) # invalid command return command = getattr(self, command_name) # the only command authorized for unauthenticated agents if command_name != "do_AUTH" and not self.authenticated: self.send_status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED) self.connected = False self.request.close() return # call the command ! command()
[docs] def handle(self): """ First method to be called by `BaseRequestHandler`. responsible for initial call to authentication `do_auth`, and `dispatcher`, the connection is kept alive as long as agent is connected and their are targets to be delivered. """"{self.client_address} connected!") self.connected = True try: while self.is_connected: try: # start by requesting authentication if not self.authenticated: self.do_auth() self.dispatcher() except (socket.timeout, ConnectionError) as e:"{self.client_address} Timeout - {e}") self.connected = False # mark any running task as interrupted # so that other agent can take it later self.ctx.interrupted(self.agent) # wait a bit, in case a shutdown was requested! self._terminate.wait(1.0) finally: if self.ctx.is_finished:"All stages are finished sending terminate event.") self.server.shutdown() self.request.close()
[docs] def do_auth(self): """ Handles the agent's authentication. """"{self.client_address} initialized Authentication") challenge = os.urandom(128) self.request.sendall(Auth(challenge).pack()) # wait for the client response self.msg = Structure.create(self.request) if not self.msg: # something's wrong with the message! self.send_status(Status.FAILED) return hmac_hash =, challenge, 'sha512') digest = hmac_hash.hexdigest().encode("utf-8") if hmac.compare_digest(digest,"Authenticated Successfully") self.authenticated = True self.send_status(Status.SUCCESS) else: self.send_status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED) self.request.close()
[docs] def do_ready(self): """ After the authentication the agent notifies the server, that is ready to start scanning. This will handle the request and send a target to be scanned. """"is Ready for targets")"Agent is running with uid {self.msg.uid}") if self.msg.uid != 0:"Waning! agent is not running as root " "syn scans might abort not enough privileges!") target_data = self.ctx.pop(self.agent) if not target_data:"Target is None no more targets") # send empty command and terminate! cmd = Command("", "") self.request.sendall(cmd.pack()) self.connected = False return cmd = Command(*target_data) self.request.sendall(cmd.pack()) status_bytes = self.request.recv(1) if len(status_bytes) == 0: self.connected = False"Disconnected!") self.ctx.interrupted(self.agent) return status, = struct.unpack("<B", status_bytes) if status == Status.SUCCESS.value:"Started scanning !") self.ctx.running(self.agent) else: log.error("Scan command returned Error")"Server is Terminating connection!") self.connected = False self.ctx.interrupted(self.agent)
[docs] def do_report(self): """ When the scan the ends, the agent notifies the server that is ready to send the report. This method will handle the report transfer save the report in the reports directory and make the target as finished if the file hashes match. """"Agent Reporting Complete Scan!")"Filename {self.msg.filename} total file size " f"{self.msg.filesize} file hash {self.msg.filehash}") file_size = self.msg.filesize nbytes = 0 report = self.ctx.get_report(self.agent, self.msg.filename.decode("utf-8")) try: digest = hashlib.sha512() self.ctx.downloading(self.agent) while nbytes < file_size: data = self.request.recv(1024) report.write(data) digest.update(data) nbytes = nbytes + len(data) if not hmac.compare_digest(digest.hexdigest().encode("utf-8"), self.msg.filehash): log.error(f"Files are not equal! {digest.hexdigest()}") self.send_status(Status.FAILED) else:"files are equal!") self.ctx.completed(self.agent) self.send_status(Status.SUCCESS) finally: if report: report.flush() report.close()
[docs] def send_status(self, code): """ Sends a status code to the server. :param code: :type code: `dscan.models.structures.Status` """"Sending status code {code}") response = struct.pack("<B", code) self.request.sendall(response)