Source code for dscan.models.scanner

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8

scanner runtime models

import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import threading
import itertools
from enum import Enum
from dscan import log
from dscan.models.parsers import ReportsParser, TargetOptimization
from dscan.models.structures import Status, Report
from dscan.out import Display
from libnmap.process import NmapProcess

[docs]class Config: """ Runtime configurations """ SSL_CERTS = ( 'certs', 'sslcert', 'sslkey', 'ciphers', 'cert-hostname' ) BASE = ( 'base', 'reports', ) def __init__(self, config, options): """ Holds the configuration parameters used at runtime for both server and agent! :param config: configparser with the configuration :type config: `configparser.ConfigParser` :param options: argument parser `argparse.ArgumentParser` with the user options """ self.wspace = self.port = options.p self.outdir = os.path.join(, config.get( *self.BASE)) os.makedirs(self.outdir, exist_ok=True) self.config = None if options.cmd == 'srv': self.config = ServerConfig(config, options, self.outdir) self.sslkey = self.get_workPath(config.get(*self.SSL_CERTS[0:3:2])) assert os.path.isfile( self.sslkey), "Certificate Private key not found" self.ciphers = config.get(*self.SSL_CERTS[0:4:3]) else: = options.s # set cert properties self.sslcert = self.get_workPath(config.get(*self.SSL_CERTS[0:2:1])) self.srv_hostname = config.get(*self.SSL_CERTS[0:5:4]) assert os.path.isfile(self.sslcert), "Certificate file not found" digest: hashlib.sha512 = hashlib.sha512() try: with open(self.sslcert, 'rt') as cert: digest.update("utf-8")) self.secret_key = digest.hexdigest().encode("utf-8") except OSError as ex: log.error(f"failed to open cert file {ex}") raise ex
[docs] def get_workPath(self, path): return os.path.join(self.wspace, path)
def __getattr__(self, name): if hasattr(self.config, name): return getattr(self.config, name) else: raise AttributeError(f"invalid key {name}")
[docs]class ServerConfig: """ Server configuration parser. """ SERVER = ( 'server', 'stats', 'targets', 'live-targets', 'trace', ) SCAN_CONF = 'nmap-scan' def __init__(self, config, options, outdir): """ :param config: configparser with the configuration :type config: `configparser.ConfigParser` :param options: argument parser `argparse.ArgumentParser` with the user options """ self.outdir = outdir self.rundir = os.path.join(, config.get(*self.SERVER[0:2:1])) self.queue_path = os.path.join(, config.get(*self.SERVER[0:3:2])) self.ltargets_path = os.path.join(, config.get(*self.SERVER[0:4:3])) self.resume_path = os.path.join(, config.get(*self.SERVER[0:5:4])) = options.b os.makedirs(self.rundir, exist_ok=True) # init scan stages ! self.__create_stages(dict(config.items('nmap-scan'))) def __create_stages(self, scan_options): self.stage_list = [] for name, options in scan_options.items(): options = scan_options.get(name) if name == "discovery": self.stage_list.append(DiscoveryStage(self.queue_path, options, self.outdir, self.ltargets_path)) else: self.stage_list.append(Stage(name, self.ltargets_path, options, self.outdir))
[docs] def target_optimization(self, targets): """ Takes a list of ip Addresses and groups all sequential ips in cidr notation. :param targets: `list` of `str` :type: `list` of `str` """ assert targets, "Empty target list" if not os.path.isfile(self.resume_path): queue_optimization = TargetOptimization(self.queue_path)
[docs] def save_context(self, ctx): """ Serializes the context to resume later. :param ctx: instance of `Context` :type ctx: `Context` """"Saving the current context {self.resume_path}") with open(self.resume_path, 'wb') as rfile: pickle.dump(ctx, rfile)
[docs]class File: """ Creates a stateful file object allows file to restore its previous state. """ def __init__(self, path): """ :param path: string of path to the file to open. :type path: `str` File path """ self._path = path self._fd = None self.nlines = 0 self.lineno = 0 self.loc = 0 self.mode = 'r'
[docs] def open(self, mode='r'): assert self.exists(), f"{self._path} is not a valid file" assert self.readable(), f"Unable to read: {self._path}" if not self._fd: self.mode = mode self._fd = open(self._path, mode) self._line_count()
[docs] def readline(self): # open the file if its not open already self.lineno += 1 line = self._fd.readline() self.loc = self._fd.tell() if not line: return None return line.strip()
[docs] def isempty(self): """ Check if the file is emtpy. :return: `True` if the file is empty """ assert self.exists(), f"{self._path} is not a valid file" assert self.readable(), f"Unable to read: {self._path}" if os.stat(self._path).st_size > 0: return False else: return True
[docs] def exists(self): """ Returns a Boolean if the path is a valid file. proxy call to `os.path.isfile`. :return: `True` if path is a valid file. """ return os.path.isfile(self._path)
[docs] def readable(self): """ :return: `True` if file is readable. """ return os.access(self._path, os.R_OK)
def _line_count(self): """ Counts the number of lines in the file. """ if self.isempty(): return 0 lines = 0 buf_size = 1024 * 1024 read_f = # loop optimization buf = read_f(buf_size) while buf: lines += buf.count('\n') if not buf.endswith('\n'): lines += 1 buf = read_f(buf_size) self.nlines = lines def __getattr__(self, name): if hasattr(self._fd, name): return getattr(self._fd, name) else: raise AttributeError(f"invalid key {name}") def __getstate__(self): # Copy the object's state from self.__dict__ which contains # all our instance attributes. Always use the dict.copy() # method to avoid modifying the original state."saving file: {self._path} loc:{self.loc} state") state = self.__dict__.copy() # Remove the unpickable entries. del state['_fd'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # Restore instance attributes (i.e., _path and nlines ...). self.__dict__.update(state) fd = None # if the loc is 0 then we have an uninitialized stage # that depends on unfinished stage, will be opened when the first # time a target is pulled. if self.loc != 0 and self.exists(): # Restore the previously opened file's state."restoring file: {self._path} loc:{self.loc} state") fd = open(self._path, self.mode) # set the file to the prev location. self._fd = fd def __len__(self): return self.nlines def __str__(self): return f"File(path:{self._path}, nlines: {self.nlines}, lineno:" \ f"{self.lineno}, mode:{self.mode})"
[docs]class STATUS(Enum): """ Each Scan task has the following states: - Scheduled: the default state set when its created. - Running: Set after the agent has confirmed the task has started executing. - Interrupted: Set when the task is aborted by agent, or the server has been halted. - Downloading: Set when the agent notifies its ready to sent the report. - Completed: Set only after the report has been received successfully """ SCHEDULED = 1 RUNNING = 2 INTERRUPTED = 3 DOWNLOADING = 4 COMPLETED = 5
[docs]class Task: """ Representation of a scan task. A scan task is sent to an agent with a target and, scan options. Each task has the following states: - Scheduled: the default state set when its created. - Running: Set after the agent has confirmed the task has started executing. - Interrupted: Set when the task is aborted by agent, or the server has been halted. - Downloading: Set when the agent notifies its ready to sent the report. - Completed: Set only after the report has been received successfully. """ def __init__(self, stage_name, options, target): """ :param stage_name: stage name :param options: scan options. :param target: target ip address. :type stage_name: `str` :type options: `str` :type target: `str` """ self.stage_name = stage_name self.options = options = target self.status = STATUS.SCHEDULED
[docs] def update(self, status): assert isinstance(status, STATUS) self.status = status
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """ returns a tuple with the target and scan options. :return: tuple options, target :rtype tuple: """ return self.stage_name,,, \ self.options
def __str__(self): return f"{self.stage_name}, {}, {}" \ f"{self.options}"
[docs]class Stage: def __init__(self, stage_name, targets_path, options, outdir): assert targets_path, "Invalid targets file Name" assert stage_name, "Invalid stage Name" self.targets_path = targets_path = stage_name self.targets = File(self.targets_path) self.options = options self.reports_path = outdir self.ftargets = 0
[docs] def next_task(self): """ Get next target from the file. :return: Task. :rtype: `Task` """ target = self.targets.readline() if target: return Task(, self.options, target) else: return None
[docs] def inc_finished(self): self.ftargets += 1
[docs] def process_results(self): """ Meant to be overwritten, like for example stages like ping sweep aka discovery. """ pass
@property def isfinished(self): """ Returns True if the number of lines is equal to the number of finished targets. :return: bool :rtype: `bool` """ if self.targets.nlines == self.ftargets: return True else: return False @property def percentage(self): """ Calculates the completion of this stage. :return: float of of the % completion. :rtype: `float` """ if self.ftargets > 0: return float(self.ftargets) / float(self.targets.nlines) * 100 else: return float(0)
[docs] def as_tuple(self): """ Returns the information as tuple, nlines, finished targets and %, used by Display to print scanner status. :return: tuple of strings. :rtype: `tuple` of `str`. """ return, self.targets.nlines, self.ftargets, \ f"{self.percentage:.2f}%"
[docs] def close(self): self.targets.close()
[docs]class DiscoveryStage(Stage): def __init__(self, targets_path, options, outdir, ltargets_path): super().__init__("discovery", targets_path, options, outdir) self.ltargets_path = ltargets_path
[docs] def process_results(self): """ When this stage is finished the `Context` will call this method to create a list of live targets. """ results_parser = ReportsParser(self.reports_path, 'discovery-*.xml') live_queue = TargetOptimization(self.ltargets_path)
[docs]class Context: """ Context is a thread safe proxy like class, responsible for all the execution flow and inherent logic. Acts as a proxy between the active stages and the `stage` implementation. """ def __init__(self, options): self.stage_list = list(options.stage_list) self.nstages = len(self.stage_list) self.cstage_name = None self.active_stages = {} self.reports_path = options.outdir = {} self.pending = [] self._lock = threading.Lock()
[docs] def pop(self, agent): """ Gets the next `Task` from the current Active Stage, if their are no pending `Tasks` to be executed. Pending tasks are tasks that are canceled or restored from a previous interrupted session. If a stage is finished (no more targets), the next stage will take another stage from the list until its finished. :param agent: str with ipaddress and port in ip:port format, this allows the server to manage multiple agents in one host. to run multiple clients at once. :return: A target to scan! `task` :rtype: `tuple` """ with self._lock: task = None if agent in # This exists to make shore we don't lose targets. # this would be better if we knew how many tries a target # had faced. TODO"Agent {agent} is requesting a new task with a " f"task in execution sending it again!") task = task.update(STATUS.SCHEDULED) return task.as_tuple()[2:] if len(self.pending) > 0: task = self.pending.pop(0) else: cstage = self.__cstage() if cstage: task = cstage.next_task() if not task: # the only stage that needs to be finished # to proceed is # discovery as the other stages need the # list of live hosts if != "discovery" or cstage.isfinished: if cstage.isfinished: cstage.process_results() cstage.close() cstage = self.__cstage(True) if cstage: task = cstage.next_task() # if we have a valid task save it in the active collection if task:{agent: task}) # the consumers only need scan related information... return task.as_tuple()[2:]
[docs] def completed(self, agent): """ Marks a agent task as complete. :param agent: ip:port of agent :type agent: `str` """ self._update_task_status(agent, STATUS.COMPLETED)
[docs] def downloading(self, agent): """ Marks a agent task as Downloading, notifying that the report download has started. :param agent: ip:port of agent :type agent: `str` """ self._update_task_status(agent, STATUS.DOWNLOADING)
[docs] def interrupted(self, agent): """ Marks a task as interrupted, when agent disconnects for example. :param agent: ip:port of agent :type agent: `str` """ self._update_task_status(agent, STATUS.INTERRUPTED)
[docs] def running(self, agent): """ After the server sends a target the agent notifies the task has started. :param agent: ip:port of agent :type agent: `str` """ self._update_task_status(agent, STATUS.RUNNING)
[docs] def get_report(self, agent, file_name): """ :param agent: str with ipaddress and port in ip:port format :type agent: `str` :param file_name: name of the file sent by the agent. :type file_name: `str` :return: file descriptor to save the scan report. """ try: _, tstage = self.__find_task_stage(agent) file_name = f"{}-{file_name}" report_file = open(os.path.join(self.reports_path, file_name), "wb") return report_file except Exception as ex: log.error(f"Unable to open report for {file_name}") log.error(f"{ex}") return None
def _update_task_status(self, agent, status): """ Internal method updates a task of a given stage status, its also responsible for managing the interrupted tasks. :param agent: str with ipaddress and port in ip:port format :param status: `STATUS` value to change. """ with self._lock: task, tstage = self.__find_task_stage(agent) if task and tstage: task.update(status) if status == STATUS.COMPLETED: tstage.inc_finished() # clean the completed task del[agent] if status == status.INTERRUPTED:"Scan of {} running on {agent} was " f"interrupted") self.pending.append(task) del[agent] else: log.debug(f"Agent {agent} is trying to update {status} on " f"non existing task") def __cstage(self, force_next=False): """ :param force_next: if True wil force the stage to advance one step defaults to False. :type force_next: `bool` :return: An instance of `stage` :rtype: `stage` """ try: if not self.cstage_name or force_next: stage = self.stage_list.pop(0) self.active_stages[] = stage self.cstage_name = return self.active_stages[self.cstage_name] except IndexError: log.error("Stage list is empty !") return None def __find_task_stage(self, agent): """ :param agent: str with ipaddress and port in ip:port format :return: tuple `Task` and `Stage` that created that task :rtype: `tuple` """ tstage = None task =, None) if task: tstage = self.active_stages.get(task.stage_name, None) return task, tstage
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, options): """ :param options: instance of `ServerConfig` :type options: ´ServerConfig´ :return: instance of `Context` :rtype: ´Context` """ rpath = options.resume_path if os.path.isfile(rpath) and os.stat(rpath).st_size > 0:"Found resume file, loading...!") with open(options.resume_path, 'rb') as rfile: # i had to make this to make this testable with mocks! # load with file didn't work, some how! data = ctx = pickle.loads(data) return ctx else: return cls(options)
[docs] def tasks_status(self): """ :return: list of tuple of active task's status. :rtype: `list` of `tuple`s """ data = [] for agent, task in data.append((agent, *task.as_tuple()[:3])) return data
[docs] def active_stages_status(self): """ :return: list of tuples with active stages status. :rtype: `list` of `tuples` """ data = [] for stage in self.active_stages.values(): data.append(stage.as_tuple()) return data
@property def is_finished(self): """ :return: bool iterates the active stages and collects all the `finished` properties, returns `True` if all of them are true. """ status = [status.isfinished for status in self.active_stages.values()] return all(status) and len(status) == self.nstages
[docs] def ctx_status(self): stage_comp = float(0) for stage in self.active_stages.values(): stage_comp += stage.percentage return [(self.nstages, len(self.pending), "{:.2f}%" .format((stage_comp / float(self.nstages * 100) * 100)))]
def __getstate__(self): with self._lock:"saving context state") state = self.__dict__.copy() for task in state['active'].values(): task.update(STATUS.INTERRUPTED) state['pending'].append(task) # close file descriptors on all active stages for active_stage in state['active_stages'].values(): active_stage.close() state['active'] = {} # Remove the unpickable entries. del state['_lock'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): # restore the previous state, needed due to the existence of non # serializable objects self.__dict__.update(state)"Restoring context state") self._lock = threading.Lock()
[docs]class ScanProcess: """ Used by the agent (client side), its a proxy class to provide an interface to interact with `libnmap` responsible for the actual execution. Its implementation allows handling, duplicate file names, with numeric prefix, as well as keeping status on the execution process. """ TASK_HEADERS = [ "Target", "Nª completed Scans", "Status" ] def __init__(self, output): """ wrapper around `libnmap` scan execution :param output: str path to save the reports """ self.output = output # current target aka ctarget is a tuple (target, options). self.ctarget = None # number of successful scans finished self.number_scans = 0 self.display = Display() self.status = None def __inc(self): """ increments the number_scans. """ self.number_scans += 1
[docs] def report_name(self, extension): """ Checks if a report with the current target.extension exists, and prepends a number if it does. :param extension: xml, nmap. :return: path str path and filename, the filename will be prefixed, by a number if the base+extension already exists in the outdir. :rtype: `str` """ fname = self.ctarget[0].replace('/', '-') path = os.path.join(self.output, f"{fname}" f".{extension}") exists = os.path.isfile(path) prefix = itertools.count() while exists: n = next(prefix) path = os.path.join(self.output, f"{n}-{fname}" f".{extension}") exists = os.path.isfile(path) return path
[docs] def run(self, target, options, callback): """ Executes the scan on a given target. :param target: :param options: :param callback: callback function to report status to the server. :return: report object :rtype: `dscan.models.structures.Report` """ self.ctarget = (target, options) nmap_proc = None try: options = " ".join([options, f"-oN {self.report_name('nmap')}"]) nmap_proc = NmapProcess(targets=target, options=options, safe_mode=False, event_callback=self.show_status)"Nmap scan started Sending success status") callback(Status.SUCCESS) rc = if rc == 0: # after finished encode and hash the contents for transfer. self.__inc() data = nmap_proc.stdout.encode("utf-8") report_file = self.report_name("xml") with open(self.report_name("xml"), "wb") as rfile: rfile.write(data) rfile.flush() digest = hashlib.sha512(data).hexdigest() report = Report(len(data), os.path.basename(report_file), digest) self.print(target, 100) return report elif rc in (3, 4): callback(Status.FAILED) log.error(f"Nmap Scan failed {nmap_proc.stderr}") except Exception as ex: log.error(f"something went wrong {ex}") callback(Status.FAILED) finally: if nmap_proc: nmap_proc.stop() # orthodox fix NmapProcess is leaving subprocess streams open. subproc = getattr(nmap_proc, "_NmapProcess__nmap_proc") if subproc: subproc.stdout.close() subproc.stderr.close()
[docs] def print(self, target, progress): self.display.print_table(self.TASK_HEADERS, [(target, self.number_scans, progress)], clear=True)
[docs] def show_status(self, nmapscan=None): """ :param nmapscan: takes `libnmap.process.NmapProcess` instance to display the current status of the scan. :type nmapscan: `libnmap.process.NmapProcess` """ if nmapscan.is_running() and nmapscan.current_task: ntask = nmapscan.current_task self.display.print_table(self.TASK_HEADERS, [(self.ctarget[0], self.number_scans, ntask.progress)], clear=True)